Monday, January 21, 2008

Fabulous Functions

Some of you have asked me for extra practice on figuring out the expression represented by the number patterns we have been working with in math class. Since it is hard to send home the paper function machines we have been using in class, I have found 2 sites to help you on the computer.

Our goal is to be able to "develop and represent the general term of a linear growing pattern, using algebraic expressions involving one operation". If you need to work on recognizing patterns without having to determine what the rule or algebraic expression is, visit Function Machine 1. If you would like to work on determining what the expression is that the function machine is working with, visit Function Machine 2.

As usual, if you are still having difficulties (with math or with the sites), talk to me and I will help you out.

Parents: The expectation listed above can be found in the Ministry of Education Mathematics curriculum document. I have set up a math club for a half hour after class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students are encouraged to attend whether they need help or they can help me to provide help to other students. If you feel as though you could be of assistance to students at this time, feel free to talk to me about helping out-I can always use more hands and brains!
(The above picture is from

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